16 October 2024

This is dangerous

I can only assume that people ignore the No Dogs signs at Petersham Meadows because they think that they are there to protect the cows whereas it is to protect them. 

Walking through there with dogs is dangerous, getting close to the cows is madness and doing so with children is reckless stupidity. Only this week the BBC has carried the story. "Woman took cow photo before trampling death".

This was the worst example I saw this day but there were several other people in the field with dogs and previously I had pointed out the signs to a posh mother with a young child and her immediate response was, "I don't care".  

The rules are there for a reason and ignoring them does get people killed and injured. The BBC goes into some depth here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-54268160.

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