13 October 2011

Boarded up

The unfortunate story of the Royal Oak, on the corner of Ham Street and Sandy Lane, has taken another sad step and it is now firmly closed and boarded up. We have lost too many local pubs in recent years, including another one in Ham Street, and I hope that this is just a temporary set-back and that it will be flourishing again soon. I'll certainly make a point of visiting when it reopens.


  1. FYI, I'm told that a planning application (12/0524/FUL) for change of use from Public House (A4) to a 4 bedroom family dwelling (C3) has been submitted to Richmond Council.

  2. Thanks. I've looked at the application and it looks like a good design but I'd rather it remained a pub. You can see the details at http://www2.richmond.gov.uk/PlanData2/Planning_CaseNo.aspx?strCASENO=12/0524/FUL


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