17 October 2024

Fallen trees

Two trees have fallen down in Cut Throat Alley (off Ham Street) but they are being held up by the high wall to The Palm Centre so the path is still easily passable on foot.

16 October 2024

This is dangerous

I can only assume that people ignore the No Dogs signs at Petersham Meadows because they think that they are there to protect the cows whereas it is to protect them. 

Walking through there with dogs is dangerous, getting close to the cows is madness and doing so with children is reckless stupidity. Only this week the BBC has carried the story. "Woman took cow photo before trampling death".

This was the worst example I saw this day but there were several other people in the field with dogs and previously I had pointed out the signs to a posh mother with a young child and her immediate response was, "I don't care".  

The rules are there for a reason and ignoring them does get people killed and injured. The BBC goes into some depth here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-54268160.

15 October 2024


Sixteen Sandpits is another house sign that passes the readability test with some style. 

I've tried to identify the font and one website has suggested Betm Rounded Regular which seems to be a good fit judging by the unusual "t" with the top left section filled in and the "S" with a larger upper section.

14 October 2024

Red cascade

Every autumn the ivy on Langham House, on Ham Common, creates a stunning display of cascading reds.

13 October 2024

The Legless Frog lingers

While The Legless Frog has long gone (and become The Hand and Flower again) this barely readable sign on Ham Parade remains as a reminder of what once was.

12 October 2024


The former Ashburn Carpets unit in Ashburnham Road was not empty for that long. The plastic sheeting keeps some of the shop a mystery for the moment but early signs are good with a clean look, clear signage and a neat logo.

11 October 2024


I was walking along Dukes Avenue just after 10pm (I had been in Teddington for some beers and a meal with friends) when I came across this badger. Normally badgers scuttle away when they see me but this one seemed to be too engrossed with the leaves, and what they might contain, to notice me and having taken a few photographs I crept away in a different direction.

9 October 2024

Glass roof

I posted a few pictures of the construction of this extension, on the corner of Lock Road and Back Lane, and it was remiss of me to not post a picture of the finished job as I think that it looks rather good and very much in keeping with the rest of the house and the area.

8 October 2024

Protective roof

Obviously I have no idea of the schedule for the new build in Ham Farm Road but I was a little surprised to see so little activity over the recent weeks especially as the timber construction was exposed to the regular rain we have been getting this year. That has now been fixed with the installation of a roof.