2 June 2024

Ham Fair banner

Banners promoting Ham Fair on Saturday 8 June have appeared on Ham Common, and they are not very good. Unfortunately having quickly spotted some issues with it the natural temptation is to go looking for more and so the messenger becomes the story and the message gets lost.

The main problem is that the text "HAM FAIR" is just too small, particularly in relation to the size of the image. 

I cannot be bothered to look the font up but the "R" at the end of "FAIR" looks out of place with the trailing serif. The "J" in "June" looks unnecessarily odd too. In both cases it looks like an quirky font is being used just for those letters when the rest of the text is in standard san serif.

A rule for banners and posters is to avoid clutter and if that had been followed then it would say "8" rather that "8th" and the times would be "11am to 4:30pm" or even just "11 to 4:30".

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